An image from the imagination of the artist, combining several icons of the Tasmanian wilderness. A Tasmanian Devil and her young are in the foreground with a Quoll. A Wombat browses in a field of button grass and on a … Continued
SPLASH—Midday Every week I travel along the same section of Tasmanian coastline and I am able to observe it in all its moods. In this, the 2nd of three images at the same location, the full light of … Continued
WOMBATS ON MARIA ISLAND Maria Island /wukaluwikiwayna is a mountainous island located off the east coast of Tasmania. The island was named in 1642 by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman after Maria van Diemen (wife of Anthony van Diemen, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies). … Continued
As the stars fade and the new days begin, the Little Penguins head back to the sea to fish, leaving their growing chicks behind in their rocky burrow. Little penguins are found in locations all around the coastline of Tasmania, … Continued