Apron – Deloraine Tasmania
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Seahorse jigsaw puzzle
Image from original artwork by Tasmanian artist Sue Holm, showing the Pot-bellied Seahorse The pot-bellied seahorse is the largest species of seahorse in Australia and one of the largest in the world. It is found among algae, seagrass and rocky … Continued

Oatlands Tasmania jigsaw puzzle
The township of Oatlands is located on the Midlands Highway in Tasmania. The main street is full of original, historic Georgian buildings. The Callington Mill, a tower mill built in 1837 is in full working order after restoration. Oatlands is … Continued

Emu Valley Garden jigsaw puzzle
This rhododendron garden near Burnie in Tasmania is a delight year round. Over 24,000 rhododendron plants are laid out over 11 ha. It is also home to wildlife such as echidnas and platypus. 252 pieces finished size 38 cm x … Continued

Waratah Tasmania jigsaw puzzle
WARATAH Tasmania Waratah is a town in North Western Tasmania adjacent to Savage River National Park. Built around a waterfall, Tasmania’s oldest mining town is full of historic charm and pretty natural assets. The past lives on in Waratah’s historic … Continued