Tulip farm Table Cape jigsaw puzzle
Tulip farm Table Cape jigsaw puzzle

Image from original artwork by Tasmanian artist Sue Holm. Table Cape, near Wynyard in NW Tasmania becomes a riot of colour each Spring when the tulip farm bursts out in a stunning display. The life of the early pioneers in … Continued

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Underwater World jigsaw puzzle
Underwater World jigsaw puzzle
A beautiful watery image of the world beneath the water's surface. A spotted Hand Fish and a Red Hand Fish are on the sea bed. The bizarre Leafy Sea Dragon glides nearby, in patches of seaweed. A giant cuttlefish moves  above as beams of sunlight penetrate the depths.  FREE standard postage within Australia
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Waratah Tasmania jigsaw puzzle
Waratah Tasmania jigsaw puzzle

WARATAH Tasmania Waratah is a town in North Western Tasmania adjacent to Savage River National Park. Built around a waterfall, Tasmania’s oldest mining town is full of historic charm and pretty natural assets. The past lives on in Waratah’s historic … Continued

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Wild Tasmania card set
Wild Tasmania card set
A collection of images of Tasmania, a place where almost half of the state is protected wilderness. There's really nowhere like it and it's unique animals. 6 blank cards and envelopes in a clear gift box. FREE POSTAGE
$25.00 Read more
Window on Freycinet National Park
Window on Freycinet National Park
Highlights of the Freycinet National Park such as Wineglass Bay and the Hazards mountain range. FREE standard post
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Wombats on Maria Island fine art print
Wombats on Maria Island fine art print

WOMBATS ON MARIA ISLAND Maria Island /wukaluwikiwayna is a mountainous island located off the east coast of Tasmania. The island was named in 1642 by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman after Maria van Diemen (wife of Anthony van Diemen, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies). … Continued

$60.00 Add to cart